Social Justice

The “GrayMorr Social Justice Model” underpins GrayMorr’s development of policy and administrative systems. It promotes economic cohesion by striving to achieve opportunity and equality for all.

Social Justice Model

TheĀ ”GrayMorr Social Justice Model” considers human rights and equality as being driven by seven layers of social policy: Education; Health; Employment; Tax; Housing; Social Security; and The Environment. When changing policy in one of these layers, the affect on all others must be considered.

By selecting an item on the model, you will see a description for that layer.


Tax revenue is used to develop policies and implement publicly funded programs. Good investments will provision programs aimed at furthering meaningful community development.


Education and know-how are the cornerstones of self realisation. They are key building blocks to enabling self sufficiency and community participation.


Improving the health of individuals, families and communities is key to helping people enjoy better living and to contributing more to society.


Adequate housing is a critical contributor to good health, a clean environment and social inclusion. By ensuring access to adequate housing to all of its citizens, governments will help to protect society from social inequity.


Access to meaningful employment helps the individual achieve financial freedom, and social stability. The tax revenue collected from income is vital to economic stimulation and national productivity.

Social Security

Social security is the provision of certainty and protection to individuals and families that are retired, unemployed or unable to work. It helps to ensure social inclusion and to break the poverty cycle.


Unexpected changes to an environment can make individuals, families and the community vulnerable to reduced productivity, poverty and even starvation. Government agencies can avoid this by protecting primary producers from the effect of drought events or helping communities to recover from natural disasters like floods, cyclones or bush-fires.